Complaints Procedure
If I have a complaint, what should I do?
Ocean Automotive Limited is an Appointed Representative of Automotive Compliance Ltd, who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 497010). Automotive Compliance Limited’s permissions as a Principal Firm allows Ocean Automotive Limited to act as a credit broker, not as a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of lenders and to act as an agent on behalf of the insurer for insurance distribution activities only.
Our commitment to you
Although we endeavour to meet our customers' expectations at all times, we understand that from time to time complaints may arise. Our complaints handling procedures are designed to comply with the rules prescribed by the Financial Conduct Authority and our aim is to resolve any complaints that we receive both fairly and promptly.
This page tells you about how we deal with any complaints you may have and aims to demonstrate our commitment to customer service.
If you have a complaint
We define a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written and whether justified or not.
Your complaint will be taken seriously and we will make every effort to resolve the problem straight away.
Who should I contact with my complaint?
If your complaint is regarding a finance or insurance product sale, you should contact:
Automotive Compliance Ltd, The Factory, 44 Alfred Street, Gloucester, GL1 4DD. Telephone: 01452671560
To make a complaint regarding anything else
Please submit all relevant information here. Your feedback will be escalated directly to the Poole Audi Management Team, who will investigate your concerns and contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you wish to write to us, please address your letter to: Head of Business, Poole Audi, Old Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4QN.
How will my complaint be dealt with and what happens if it cannot be resolved right away?
There may be times when we need to carry out further investigations and will not be able to resolve your complaint straight away. Once received, your complaint will be investigated and dealt with in the following way:
By Day 7
We will try to provide you with a full reply. If this is not possible we will confirm who will be looking into your complaint.
By Day 28
Your complaint will have hopefully been investigated and a full response provided to you at this stage. However, if for any reason we are still unable to provide a full response by this time, we will contact you with an update of the current situation.
By Day 56
In the unlikely event that your complaint has not been resolved at an earlier stage, a senior manager will complete a review and write to you with a final response.
If you are still dissatisfied
If you wish to pursue your complaint further or if we cannot resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, you may refer your dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of your final response. However, you will need to check that your complaint falls within its terms of reference. This service is free to use.
The Financial Ombudsman Service is there to act as an impartial adjudicator and is responsible to the Financial Conduct Authority and not to the dealership. You can find out more about the service by contacting:
The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. Telephone: 0800 023 4567.
Where your complaint does not relate to a financial service, you can contact The Motor Ombudsman, 71 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2BN. Telephone: 0345 241 3008. Email: or you can visit their website to learn more about their alternative dispute resolutions.
Any reference to any of the above will not affect your right to take legal proceedings.